My Pet First Aid

"Improving the Quality of Pets' Lives, One Pet Owner at a Time."™

According to the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) 1-out-of-4 more pets would survive if just one pet first aid technique was applied prior to getting emergency veterinary care.

Our Pet First Aid & CPR Program is a four hour course, taught by two certified pet tech instructors, that will cover the following topics.

Hands-on Skill Practice in class:
- Restraining & Muzzling
- Primary Assessment
- Rescue Breathing
- Canine & Feline CPR
- Choking Management
- Bleeding & Shock Management
- Snout-To-Tail Assessment for Injury & Wellness
- Assessing the Pet's Vitals

Actions For Survival Lectures:
- Insect Bites & Stings and Snakebite
- Heat & Cold Injuries
- Seizure

The class includes our handbook and a wallet card certificate upon completion. Pet first aid kits will be made available for purchase for $30 each at the end of class.

One of the skills we teach is the
Snout-to-Tail Assessment. Read how this saved two pets lives . . .

Snout-to-Tail Assessment - is where you go from Snout-to-Tail with deliberate intent and purpose, creating a baseline of your pet’s health. This also lets you know more of what is normal for your pet, so you can more quickly recognize what is not normal for your pet.

A pet owner who took the Pet Tech class found mammary tumors growing on her dog by doing the Snout-to-Tail Assessment. She took her to the vet, who confirmed the diagnosis. Luckily she caught it early enough that treatment was successful. However, the vet did tell her that if she had let that go just another five or six months, the outcome may not have been as good.

As instructors we frequently preform the Snout-to-Tail Assessment on my own pets. Jason found what was a mast cell tumor on his dog, and was able to have it looked at and removed by his veterinarian while it was still only in stage one. This simple skill that can take only a few minutes added thousands of minutes to both the student’s pet and Jason’s dog Sammy’s life too.

Pet First Aid & CPR Program
"Improving the Quality of Pets' Lives, One Pet Owner at a Time."™

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